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Showing posts from April, 2017

“Hinduism, Hindutva, Partition of 1947 and the road ahead for India”

Hinduism is beautiful, you know why? Because you don’t have to follow a set of rules like other religions to be a Hindu. It is a tolerant belief. Exactly the reason why it led other beliefs flourish over the years on its land. Be it Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Jainism or any other.  But not Hindutva. Hindutva is the hijacked version of Hinduism. Like ISIS is to Islam. Clear enough? Hinduism has six main schools of philosophy (Darshanas) of Hinduism (astika). Yes you read that right. It is a philosophy. 1)     Nyaya The Nyaya school is based on the  Nyaya Sutras , written by Aksapada Gautama in the 2nd Century B.C. Its methodology is based on a  system of logic  that has subsequently been adopted by the majority of the Indian schools. Its followers believe that obtaining valid knowledge (the four sources of which are perception, inference, comparison and testimony) is the only way to gain release from suffering. Nyaya developed several criteria by which the knowledge

10 things to not miss when in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is considered as one of the most conservative nations across the globe. With its modernization and opening of tourism sector, below are some of the things you can do here. I have jotted down the top 10 things you cannot dare to miss during  your visit to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 1)       Shawarma Let us roll with the first one, literally! Shawarma it is. One cannot simply come to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and not have a Shawarma. Though not originally discovered in Saudi Arabia and not the native dish of Saudis, it has been topping the food chart since ages; without a doubt. Reason why I have placed it on number one in the ‘to do list’ is simply because of its availability at every corner of the city and that not even a single person would not like it. Like absolutely no one!  Shawarma wrap Shavings cut from a block of meat on a rotating split, it was originally invented in Turkey during the times of Ottoman Empire. Saudi Arabia adopted it a