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Showing posts from January, 2017

...losing the most beautiful part of me...

Papa is not just a word. It has my past 27 years attached to it. This one word makes my eyes moist. Anywhere, anytime! It’s been 4 months since I lost him but even today, I cannot embrace the fact that he isn’t with me. People say it takes time, but with time, I feel, memories deepen. His face, his voice, his talks, his smell, everything flashes back again with just ‘Papa’. From the day he left us, all his belongings are as it is; just to feel his presence around. I desiderate to hear the sound of television. Being played at the highest volume available, Papa in the evenings could be found in front of the television screen on the sofa watching news. He was one learned man. Flipping the channels for hours, he was a man who could talk on anything and everything. The only regret I have is that when I realized his worth, I couldn’t spend time with him. Just a day before he passed away, he expounded me on the political behaviors of certain nations around the globe. His predictions on