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Showing posts from November, 2015

ISIS...yesterday, today and tomorrow.

ISIS. The very name sounds destructive to us. With the recent Paris attacks or maybe the Beirut or Baghdad one or maybe the ongoing crises in the Syrian region, no one, I repeat no one thinks good about ISIS. But what actually is ISIS?   Lets go to Afghanistan in the 70's in order to understand the present. Alright, back then it was ruled by a man named Mohammad Zahir Shah. For four decades there was peace and stability in Afghanistan. He was educated in France and worked for the betterment of women and their growth. With the Soviet Union's influence on Afghanistan and that the Soviet supported the modernization and education in Afghanistan, US and its allies were increasingly worried about their hegemony that they thought was threatened by Afghanistan and Soviet's influence on Afghanistan. That is when the allies of America i.e. Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and many others joined in to make an army of radical Islamists around the globe and trained and armed and directed the