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Showing posts from December, 2017

The dilemma of an Indian Muslim

Courtesy: Google Images India, in its real form cannot move ahead if the government does not recognize the ongoing atrocities on the Muslims and brings it's largest minority community together, along with the other communities and discuss its's issues openly. If a community (Muslims and Dalits) is sidelined in matters like killing in the name of love jihad, lynching in the name of cow and cold-blooded murdering because one wears a skull cap and the situation is over looked; rather than making sure that no such event takes place again, India cannot develop. In my opinion, it has failed as a country, big time. For a diverse nation like India, all the communities need to be empowered equally and fairly. For this, the majority should come in together and recognize the ongoing enormity and hatred towards the largest minority of the nation rather than shedding it off and pushing it under the door mat. They must recognize that the Muslims of India are in danger and its